The Eildon district is a wonderful place to live and work. It is home to a host of close-knit communities surrounded by a beautiful natural environment taking in the Goulburn River, Melbourne's Green Wedge, Victoria's High Plains, the Yarra Valley and Yarra Ranges.

Police Monument, Mansfield

House-boating on Lake Eildon

Black Spur between Healesville and Narbethong
Yarra River at Warburton
Size: 10,027 square kilometres.
Enrollment: 41,479 electors (2014)
Towns include: Alexandra, Bonnie Doon, Buxton, Christmas Hills, Dixons Creek, Eildon, Flowerdale, Healesville, Jamieson, Kangaroo Ground, Kinglake, Kinglake West, Launching Place, Mansfield, Marysville, Millgrove, Molesworth, Mount Buller Alpine Village, Panton Hill, Powelltown, St Andrews, Strath Creek, Taggerty, Thornton, Toolangi, Warburton, Wesburn, Woori Yallock, Yarck, Yarra Glen, Yarra Junction and Yea.
Features: Eildon District stretches from the fringes of the metropolitan area to the heart of the Victorian Alps. Industries in the District include agriculture, sawmilling, fruit growing, wine making and tourism. Features include the Healesville Sanctuary, Lake Eildon, and the Alpine and Yarra Ranges National Parks.
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